Checking your credit report online and making any necessary corrections through the Dispute Center is the quickest and most convenient way to dispute inaccurate information on your credit report.

Personal data, accounts, inquiries, and (possibly) public records make up the broad categories that make up your credit report (not all credit reports contain public record entries). Your credit report may also include a separate section labeled “Potentially Negative” if it contains information that could negatively impact your score.

Follow these steps to successfully file an online dispute about wrong information on your credit report:

  1. For information on how to file a dispute, please visit the Dispute Center. If you find errors or omissions on your Experian credit report, you can have them fixed by contacting their Dispute Center. After reviewing the material, select an item on your credit report to dispute by clicking “Start a new dispute.”
  1. Explain the backstory of each disagreement. Use the drop-down menus to indicate the nature of each disagreement. You may be prompted to add notes to certain entries, and in other cases, you may be asked to upload supporting documents to prove that a change was made.
  1. Please take a look at the dispute and submit your response. Verify the details of your dispute request, make any necessary changes, and then press the Submit button. After a successful dispute has been submitted, a confirmation page will appear, and you’ll be given the option to “Upload a document” to include supporting documentation.
  1. Don’t rush the resolution of the conflict. Experian will notify you via email when your dispute is opened, keep you updated as necessary throughout the process, and deliver the final results. These notes are also available in the Dispute Center’s Alerts section. When your dispute has been resolved, the outcome will be posted in the Completed tab of the Dispute Center. The average time for a dispute to be settled is 30 days.

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